About this blog.

My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 24 months. I created this blog to bring meaning to the often-confusing label. Sometimes I have answers. Other times, just more questions.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

May 1, 2006

A Little Bit Autistic Presents...

"Good morning, Brad," I said wistfully, trying to mask the melancholy. What I wouldn't give for a return smile. But at this point, I had come to not expect it.


More pause.

And then...it happens: Brad smiles.

I rub my eyes in disbelief.

Brad is still smiling.

"You're smiling!!!" I screamed.

All of my fears and anxieties instantly melt away. My heart swells with joy and love. It was a true, rich social smile.

I gestated Brad for 9 months. I gave birth to him. I spent countless sleepless nights, not to mention the diapers. Now, all of the work and exhaustion suddenly seemed trivial. THIS is what it's all about.

Wow, I really dodged a bullet, I thought to myself. I can't believe I thought he had autism. How silly.

Here is a link to the pictures I took that day. The jpeg file names, which are the originals, reflect the mood of the day. My personal fave: "making up for lost time smiling."

2 - 7 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 8


Quirky Mom said...

This is a cool series of posts. :) And I don't even watch Lost...

Reading your thoughts at the end of the post, I thought "D'oh!". Those must have been three long weeks in the red zone.

Laura said...

Quirky Mom doesn't watch Lost??? And I thought I knew you. ;-) Don't tell me you don't like tv...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what an adorable adorable baby! Those cheeks. What a wonderful smile to celebrate - everyday.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

He is toooooo cuuuuuute!!!! And oh, the joy that comes from reading your joy!!

Though I still hate all of you that get to watch lost. We got the first two series, then Sky bought it over, and I don't want sky, so I bought the third and fourth series, which is actually good as you can watch it all with out the frustration. So don't tell me anything, I 'll just sit like the f-ing scottish person I am and rock whilst chanting 4 8 15 16 23 42 over and over till I can buy it.

Laura said...


Rainbowmummy, I'd send you the dvds but they are region coded...

Michelle B Photography said...

Oh boy, can I relate with this post. David and I went back and forth with the autism thing for about a year. "She is too happy to have autism", "she makes eye contact, cancel that assessment, I cannot believe I thought she had autism, whew". This went on for a year.

It was an actual relief getting the diagnosis, because the constant second guessing was killing us.

I still don't love the autism, but at least I know she has it and can be helped.

Laura said...

a year? *shudders* (I just had a Group flashback.)

~ April ~ EnchantedDandelions said...

Oh Laura! Those pictures brought an instant smile to my face.

Anonymous said...

Aw, he has a GREAT smile. :)