- Model and expand language and sound development
- Break down activities into incremental steps
- Wait time for processing
- Frequent breaks for movement as needed
- Inflatable seat cushion as needed
- Position pre-writing, drawing activities on a vertical surface
- Adult assistance and cues as needed to encourage independent self help skills as it relates to outerwear, backback, snack, toileting etc.
- Adult monitoring and cueing as needed for use of both hands together in functional activities thoughout the school day
- Monitor use of utensils and classroom tools for hyper-extension
A few notes of explanation:
- Monitoring the use of both hands is to promote bilateral coordination.
- The hyper-extension, also referred to as hyper-flexion, is related to the hypotonia or low musle tone. If a child has low tone in his fingers, the fingers bend way back and present special challenges with respect to handwriting.
Sounds like an amazing preschool experience!
Looks terrific. Isn't special needs preschool amazing? I have been impressed with ours so far.
I know, right. I've heard so many terrible stories about public education - the wrong kind of services, not enough services, you name it. I was totally not expecting to be enamoured. But I am still a neophyte, so who knows.
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