About this blog.

My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 24 months. I created this blog to bring meaning to the often-confusing label. Sometimes I have answers. Other times, just more questions.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just putting it out there, Part I

Jenny McCarthy posits that vaccines caused her son Evan's autism. Yet, she has breast implants, and has had them since well before her Evan was born. Isn't it equally plausible that the massive amounts of silicone (relatively speaking) that were absorbed into her child-bearing ovaries were responsible for Evan's autism? She's got two potential culprits: one is for the sole purpose of gratifying horny teen boys (silicone tits), and the other to save lives (vaccines). I'm thinking she fingered the wrong suspect. Instead of chelating every micro-molecule of benign residue out of Evan, girlfriend should exorcise herself of silicone. After all, she is still of child bearing age. Why should Evan bear all of the brunt of ridding her spawn of toxins?


Judith U. said...

Sounds to me like you're just jealous. :)

Laura said...

ha, busted...

Anonymous said...

What an interesting theory. Wonder why this has never been explored or asked before?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have no idea about the gut/brain connection and unfortunately your son will suffer for that. Jenny is helping people and you're being immature, uneducated twat.

Anonymous said...

Were Jenny's implants leaking during her pregnancy? Very weird assumption. You constantly contridict yourself in this blog. You're very new to the autism world and your views will change as time goes on and you educate yourself a bit more. You might want to get a bit more stable before posting anything else.

Laura said...

autismmom, thanks for your note. Actually, I want my blog to represent my subjective state of mind. I don't purport to know it all. Do you?

As for my "theory" regarding Jenny McCarthy, it's more plausible than the vaccine-autism link. But that's not saying much.

Anonymous said...

Considering Jenny McCarthy's age, isn't it unlikely in the extreme that her implants are silicone? Aren't they just saline?

Laura said...

They're encased in silicone. See link: http://www.breastimplantinfo.org/per_stories/kacey.html

Anonymous said...

Haha, this is the dumbest thing I've read on the autism cause so far. I guess they need to study how many mothers of ASD kids have implants then?

There are many causes of autism. Vaccines most likely don't cause autism, but for some kids they can trigger autism, simply because some kids cannot detoxify or fight off the viruses being injected into their young bodies. Doctors need to check titres before vaccinating.

Why are you so again biomed? You're very new to the autism world and to completely insult a large group of parents who are only trying to help their children is very ignorant. You really should educate yourself on certain topics.

This blog is silly. You will go through many phases of acceptance and you will come to a place of wanting to help him. Honestly, you come off as uneducated and not willing to put effort into healing your child. I do however agree with you about Stephen Camarata.

Laura said...

autism-mom - Thanks again for your note. The Putting it Out There posts were in jest. Yes, I can be snarky. I'm not trying to make everyone happy, but I don't actually want to personally offend. I just call it like I see it.

True, I haven't posted any serious introspection about biomed; I chose to do that offline. I read study after study after study. Even bought gluten free pasta. (Still in my pantry.) There are huge swaths of the internet devoted to the merits of biomed. My blog is not in one of those swaths.

Anonymous said...

How'd your kid get autism? Did you do something horrible to him as well? Probably. Did you get a flu shot or something while you were pregnant? Rhogam? Shame on you! Why should your innocent child suffer because you listened to a doctor who doesn't have you or your child's best interest at heart?

Big Pharma, that's it. Doctors buy the vaccines and you buy into the whole vaccines are the answer theory because the television and not well meaning doctors tell you to do this. Think for yourself. Educate yourself. Your kid has autism too, so by what you're saying here about JM you're basically saying she did something to cause his autism, therefore, so did you!

Laura said...

Actually, what I said is that the silicone/autism link is as plausible as the vaccine/autism link. Which is to say: they're both unsubstantiated stabs in the dark.

However, even the critical commenters here seem intrigued by my theory, which I find highly amusing since I didn't proffer it as a positive theory, but rather to satirize the anti-vaxxers.