About this blog.

My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 24 months. I created this blog to bring meaning to the often-confusing label. Sometimes I have answers. Other times, just more questions.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is intelligence?

It depends who you ask. The "intelligence quotient" test itself has been the subject of much debate because it favors those with stronger language abilities.

In this blogger's opinion, procesing speed is one of many factors that determine one's intelligence. Other factors include analytical intelligence and emotional intelligence.

Women, in general, are faster at processing, and consequently have superior social abilities. But it's not fair to say, as a general matter, that women are smarter than men for that reason, just as it's not fair to say men are smarter than women because in general, there may be a general advantage in analytical thinking.

Brad has a slow and coarse processor, which probably accounts for his language delays, his hypotonia, his lack of coordination and his social impairment. Many children with DCD/dyspraxia share these qualities.

However, I don't think Brad is lacking in intelligence overall. Brad's school district noted he was above his age in "cognitive ability", e.g. shape, number, letter and color identification, which is common for high functioning autism. While the typical developing child has pretend tea parties and the like, the atypical child is developing spacial and visual sense, and other pursuits.

The takeaway here? I blogged below the impairments that DCD causes. But it's not necessarily all bad news...


Shelli Stanley said...

I couldn't agree with you more! One of The Boy's IQ tests came back at 80. Yes, 80. It's laughable really, especially when I consider that he refused to answer several questions asked during an SLP re-evaluation. He repeatedly told the examiner, "I'm not going to answer your questions. You're an adult, you should know these things." Of course, on a standardized test, that is the wrong answer. I have since decided that I will not be seeking out standardized tests for my non-standard kid!

Laura said...


as usual, the Boy's got a point