About this blog.

My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 24 months. I created this blog to bring meaning to the often-confusing label. Sometimes I have answers. Other times, just more questions.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brad and Jeremy playing.

This is truly a source of happiness and pride for me.

Brad is still floppy - we're still working on that. But he's come so far in terms of speech and social. I couldn't be prouder - of him.


Quirky Mom said...

That's great! My daughter wants to join them. She asked to go to "them house". LOL!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Oh thank you so much for sharing this happy video!! It was so nice to see.

Egg is "floppy" too!

Laura said...

Thanks. rainbowmummy - yeah, Kranowitz refers to floppy kids as beseiged by the "gravity monster" - I like that.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Teacher-"Where is Egg's halloween costume?"
TEACHER-"Where, I can't see it, what is he?"
ME-"a gravity monster!"

I have never heard that before, I also like that. Egg just moves constantly. He is also a dive-at-the-sofa-and-land-upside-downer!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

ps I forgot to say that the video makes me want a brother or sister for Egg....

Anonymous said...

I have a son who generally doesn't do too well around his peers, so I can imagine how wonderful this must be for you. They are doing so well!

Psstt. I found you via Quirky Mom. :)

Kia (Good Enough Mama)

Laura said...

rainbowmummy - LOL didn't mean to make your ovaries throb.

Kia - yeah Quirky Mom's blog is a great place to hookup. She knows all the good little spots.

Gina said...

That is great playing. I can't wait for my daughter to play like that too.

China said...

They are so cute. He looks like he's doing GREAT! I think my Orangeboy is proof that they can do well with moderate intervention - like you say. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Judith U. said...

Wow. The interaction and engagement is amazing!!! Incredible and wonderful to witness. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

LJ'smum said...

I know this post is getting quite old but ive only just found this blog :) and im curious to know how old your boys are? I also have 2 boys of which the younger one (aged 3) is on the spectrum.

LJ'smum said...

Just leaving another comment because i didnt tick the 'email me a reply button' before and i have visited a couple of new blogs tonight. dont want to get lost...

Laura said...

LJ's mom,
Hi and welcome. I didn't see an email addy so I'll reply here: Brad is going to be three in January. He was diagnosed at 24 months. So I'm far from an expert - just blogging real time about our journey and my ideas.