About this blog.

My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 24 months. I created this blog to bring meaning to the often-confusing label. Sometimes I have answers. Other times, just more questions.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Thanks for the well-wishes and the insight.

Brad actually passed his depth perception test. Imagine that. One result one day, and a different result six months later. Well that never happens! Except when it does.

At the end of the day, I've learned to place less stock in two-dimensional medical opinions, positive or negative, good or bad. The truth most likely lies somewhere in the middle.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Annual Physical.

Like most kids, Brad gets an annual check up around his birthday, which is in January. Two notable aspects of his most recent appointment:
  • He failed the depth perception test. He passed the eye exam, meaning his eyesight, in the conventional sense, is fine. The nurse practioner administers a test with multi-directional Es and special glasses aimed testing depth perception, and he failed. Which means he wasn't trying, he didn't understand or, what I suspect, he has issues with ocular musle control and visual perception that interfere with depth perception.
  • I unbundled one of his vaxes. Since, for better or worse, there is a "vaccine debate" (although I don't think the debate is debatable, meaning, I think it's well-settled that vaccines don't cause autism), I thought I'd share my views. Although I don't buy into the vax-autism link and I'm very pro-vax, I don't have a problem with a modified schedule, so I unbundled varicella from the other shots he received at his 4 year appointment. I don't follow the Dr. Sears modified schedule; I just follow my intuition, but in any event, I make sure he is fully vaxed - it just takes an extra appointment. I'm happy with my decision.
Why am I posting now? Because Brad goes for his varicella shot this upcoming week, and I'm going to have him re-tested for depth perception. I'll post the results. Wish him luck!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm Back.

Sorry for the prolonged absence. I'd provide a good reason but I don't have one. I just needed to focus on all of the rest of life's demands. I missed you all!

We're still here, and we're doing well.

Brad is coming along nicely. Still ever the joy to parent, mellow and happy as ever. I wish I knew what makes him so perpetually happy. I'd bottle it up and drink it myself.

On the cognitive front, he's reading now - not too shabby for a 4.5 year old. At this stage, it's beginner reading, mostly three letter words, but not just sight words or rote learning. He's legitimately sounding things out and reading new words. From a parenting perspective, our goodnight ritual is pure joy, with Jeremy and Brad taking turns reading kiddie books.

So I suppose I've been smelling the roses lately.

But all sun and no rain makes for a desert, doesn't it? On the speech/communication front, he was recently reevaluated by his private speech therapist (not the public school), and the results were not great. (Click here for his evaluation from a year ago.) His delay is still in the "severe" category for expressive communication. The SLP had expected him to progress to the "mild" category by now. But there were gains. The perpetually tough grader said he is showing a budding imagination. For those of you who want to understand how this is evaluated: "typical" children narrate a play scheme while they play. The first time Brad was evaluated, he didn't do this, but during the most recent evaluation, he did. But according to the SLP, he still isn't getting the big picture, choosing to focus on details and losing out on concepts and meaning.

On the motor front, he's progressing, I suppose. A big milestone: he can take off a shirt effortlessly now. He's pedaling, just on his big wheel. But he's as floppy as ever, and continues to be unmotivated to move, characteristic of hypotonia. He's been in a big boy bed for a year now, and he has never attempted to leave the bed on his own. Not once. He just waits for us to show up and tell him to get up. Maybe that's in part a routine issue. But still. The good news: he's overnight potty trained. Weird, right? He doesn't get up overnight to go potty; he just holds it in all night. This is me, not complaining.

On the physical front, his pigeon toed-ness seems to be getting worse, not better. His natural standing posture is with his feet twisted inward, a lot.

So what's new with you and yours?